Federal Agencies & Chief AI Officers?

Plus Grok 1.5?

Welcome back, AI’ers!

Friday’s Top Story: Sam Bankman-Fried, co-founder of FTX, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud and conspiracy related to the collapse of his cryptocurrency exchange.

FTX was an early investor in Anthropic. However, their 8% stake will be sold for $884 million.

Here’s What’s On The Menu For Today

  • How To Prompt Better

  • 🤖 Federal Agencies Must Hire Chief AI Officers

  • 📰 News Hot Off The Press

  • 💰️ Newly Added AI Tools


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Glass is a powerful AI tool that enhances customer interactions and boosts business performance.

It offers a range of features, including personalized interactions to build loyalty, 24/7 support to increase sales, and automation to reduce support costs.

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How To Prompt Better

If you’re not the best at AI prompting, it’s probably because you’re not thinking about it correctly. 

Here are some essential ways to think differently that will help you get better results. 

H/t to Dave Katague for sharing his thought process.

Analytical Thinking: Break your task into smaller sections so you don't make the LLM guess what you want to do. 

The problem is that with many people's mega prompts, you're asking it to do so much in one go; most people complain about the token limit and then give up. 

We need to break apart the sections into smaller processes and operations. Yes, it can read a million.. but should it?

Strategic Thinking: You need to know what you want the end outcome to be, e.g., I want this newsletter to sound like this one (but also have the structure, tone of voice, and lab profile language framing)

By knowing the overall outcome of the process vs. just using 1,000 AI-generated mush prompts, you can write exactly what you need it to do.

Critical Thinking: Try to see your objective through as many lenses as possible, and even ask ChatGPT or Claude for the best approach. 

For example, give the top 5 examples of what you want the result to look like. 

Just asking for it to make the best sales letter without frameworks, examples, or context is why the outputs are sludge.

Creative Thinking: Ask ChatGPT or Claude to do things you might not have thought of or use lateral thinking to achieve the same outcome (ethically).

We are all creative on different ranges, and it's a muscle worth exercising and nurturing. 

Systems Thinking: How do each step in your prompt sequence affect each other? Should I have done that one first? e.g. 

What are the buyer personas' emotional states in the market? Wait, what market? 

Find out the market first. 

How can we break apart our prompts into step-by-step processes that use the previous answer to inform the next, and how are you making it clear that it's doing the right operation at the right time, to not ruining your previous generations. 

For example, Summarize this entire sales call; it does it. Can you now distill the insights from this summary? Wouldn't it make sense to distill the best parts FIRST, then summarise?

Computational Thinking: Similar to Systems but to a more specific degree, computational thinking involves breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable parts and considering the constraints and capabilities of the computational system being used to solve it.

This means being mindful of factors such as token limits, the model's specific strengths and weaknesses, and how to optimize prompts to work within these constraints while still achieving the desired output.

These types of thinking will help you write your prompts.

US Federal Agencies Must Hire Chief AI Officers

The U.S. government has issued new guidance requiring all federal agencies to designate a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) to oversee the use of AI within their agency.

The CAIO will coordinate the agency's use of AI, promote AI innovation, and manage risks from AI use.

The guidance, issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), also requires agencies to establish AI governance boards to coordinate AI use and submit annual inventories of the AI systems they use, including any associated risks and mitigation plans.

Using AI for better customer relationships.

In the AI age, there are many opportunities to shorten the time it takes to engage with your customers, especially with automation.

This is an interesting one that can be easily replicated. When a user signs up for a product, Zapier will trigger to find the user's LinkedIn profile and gather information about the customer.

Then, you can customize their experience based on that information.

Should we create a tutorial on this? Reply with “Slack” to this email if you’re interested. 

Americans love AI.

A recent Pew Research Center survey reveals that Americans with postgraduate degrees frequently use AI technology. Nearly one-third of postgraduates in the United States report using AI several times a day or "almost constantly," making them the highest adopters among all education levels.

The survey also highlights the role of age in AI usage. Fifty-seven percent of individuals aged 18-29 say they use AI at least a few times a week, while only 36% of those 65 and older report the same usage level.

Remarkably, since the public introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022, AI has rapidly gained popularity among Americans across all demographics. The study shows that half of the U.S. population now uses AI multiple times per week, indicating a swift embrace of this technology in a relatively short period.

Elon Unleashes Grok 1.5.

Elons xAI has announced their latest iteration of Grok, their AI model that rivals ChatGPT and Claude.

It’s early, but they state, “One of the most notable improvements in Grok-1.5 is its performance in coding and math-related tasks. In our tests, Grok-1.5 achieved a 50.6% score on the MATH benchmark and a 90% score on the GSM8K benchmark, two math benchmarks covering a wide range of grade school to high school competition problems. Additionally, it scored 74.1% on the HumanEval benchmark, which evaluates code generation and problem-solving abilities.”

If this is true, we’d have to take back what we said yesterday about Grok being a meme AI tool.

GPTs only draw 1.5% of ChatGPT’s entire web traffic

Mark Zuckerberg is writing personal emails to AI researchers at Google's DeepMind to recruit them: report

AI hustlers stole women’s faces to put in ads

BBC in talks to sell archive to tech companies as AI training data

Copy and paste this prompt 👇

"I would like your help to create direct response style marketing content for my [service/product].

But before we start creating this content together, first I’m going to give you a detailed overview of my [service/product]. This is so you can better understand how my [service/product] works, what problems it solves, and how it will help my marketing avatar.

1. My [service/product] is designed to help [your target audience] [achieve X/eliminate Y]

2. The main benefit of my [service/product] is [enter it here]

3. The main problem my [service/product] solves for my marketing avatar is [enter it here]

4. The main pain point my marketing avatar is experiencing is [enter it here]

5. The main thing that separates my [service/product] apart from similar [services/products] in the market is [enter it here]

6. Some of the main features of my [service/product] are [enter it here]

For now, I don't want you to create the marketing content. I just want you to understand what my product is. If you understand, just reply with understood.”

Want more prompts?

We have a database of over 8,000 of the best prompts we’ve collected, which you can access by sharing Best of AI using the link below.

That’s it for today.

Until next time, stay safe.

-Best of AI Team

Note: This issue was written in collaboration with ChatGPT, Claude, Perplexity, and Grammarly and edited by a human. Welcome to the future.

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